World Sleep News, September 2020

From the President
Dear Colleagues,
By now, I hope you have seen our announcement about World Sleep 2022 in Rome, Italy being our next World Sleep Congress, followed by Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 18 months later in 2023. As the world adjusts to life amid a pandemic, we want to assure you we will bring the best in sleep medicine and research to you, our sleep community membership.
In December 2020, we launch our Virtual Meeting Online allowing our members to view supplemental education throughout 2021 at no cost.
We hope you save the dates to attend all three!
Birgit Högl, MD
President, World Sleep Society
Director's Desk
Our second ISRTP cohort launched in July. As the mentoring program progresses, we are pleased to say that ISRTP has nearly doubled in size this year--with more mentees, more sites and more mentors. Day to day, the mentees are performing research with their mentors, collaborating with each other and working through a curriculum that includes leadership, scientific communication skills and professional planning.
If you would like to know more about our training and mentoring program (ISRTP), please Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar..
Allan O'Bryan
Executive Director, World Sleep Society
Soriul Kim, PhD speaking at European Respiratory Society's congress.
Andrey Golovatyuk wearing his COVID-19 suit in Russia.
Hua Qin working in Germany.
Anniversary Sale
Watch Popular World Sleep Presentations Anytime — for Less
Limited Time Only

Help us ring in our anniversary with a special limited-time offer. From now through September 25, 2020, you can access our OnDemand content with applicable CME for as low as $499. We have varied our pricing by membership type so that Fellow, Student, Technologist and Young Investigator pricing is available.
Hurry -- this deal ends on September 25!
Sleep Medicine Journal
The official journal of World Sleep Society, members have access to important articles. The current issue contains articles such as:
Chenlu Gao, Michael K. Scullin
Laura Buratti, Crizia Cruciani, Alessandra Pulcini, Chiara Rocchi, ... Mauro Silvestrini
Important Dates for World Sleep 2022
February 1, 2021: Registration opens
March 1, 2021: Symposia submission begins
June 1, 2021: Abstract submission begins
June 30, 2021: Symposia submission ends
July 31, 2021: Early acceptance abstract deadline
November 1, 2021: Standard registration rates begin
November 30, 2021: Oral and Young or New Investigator deadline


 Upcoming Endorsed Meetings & Conferences

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Rua João da Silva, n.º 4 C 1900-271 
Lisboa, Portugal 
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