World Sleep News, July 2020

From the President

Dear Colleagues,
We will be hosting our first-ever online learning meeting in December. We look forward to bringing you a robust event on sleep. The World Sleep 2020 Virtual Meeting speakers and agenda is currently being deliberated by the Program Committee.
Please save the date to attend this virtual conference on December 3-5, 2020. Look for details via email in the coming weeks.
Birgit Högl, MD
President, World Sleep Society


Director's Desk

Our staff hope you are healthy and are continuing to adapt during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our office is operational and our staff and families healthy. We are continuously changing our operations to best achieve our program activities.  
One benefit of the many 2020 virtual meetings is that they offer an opportunity to attend multiple sleep society meetings around the globe. Have you ever wanted to attend a meeting in Australia or Latin America but couldn't support the funding? Are you outside of the US and wondering what it's like to attend AASM's SLEEP meeting? The following society annual meetings are presented in English and virtually online. I encourage you to reach out to your international sleep medicine and research colleagues and attend and network. Together we can advance sleep health worldwide.
SLEEP 2020 Virtual Meeting - August 27-30 (AASM based in US)
IRLSSG Online - August 29-30, 2020 (RLS research)
FLASS On demand - September 3-4, 2020 (Latin America with limited English)
ESRS Virtual Congress - September 22-24, 2020 (ESRS based in Europe)
World Sleep Virtual Meeting 2020 - December 3-5, 2020 (World Sleep Society–free to members)
IPSA Online 2021 - February 5-6, 2021 (pediatric sleep medicine)

Better Sleep, Better Life, Better Planet

World Sleep Day was celebrated on Friday, March 13, 2020. The World Sleep Day Committee is proud to announce the winners of the Distinguished Activity Awards.
2020 Distinguished Activity Award Winners
2020 Honorable Mention
Save the date to join us on Friday, March 12, 2021 for the next World Sleep Day!

Sleep Medicine Journal

Current issue contains articles such as:
Ping Li, Xiao-Hui Ning, Hua Lin, Ning Zhang, ... Fen Ping
Xijun Zheng, Yingchun He, Fang Yin, Hongxia Liu, ... Lujin Li

Upcoming 2020 Important Dates for World Sleep 2021

August 1, 2020: Registration opens
September 1, 2020: Symposia submission begins
December 1, 2020: Abstract submission begins
December 1, 2020: Symposia submission ends

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